Scooters are a great way for kids to get around on their own without having to go through the sometimes difficult process of learning to ride a bike. Although biles are helpful and get kids from place to place quicker, scooters seem to be the transport of choice for kids in the city and this is for a number of reasons.

Firstly, in the city there is far less space. Whilst having a mountain bike out where there are many different terrains and larger distances to cover can be exciting, in the city children are dealing with smaller open spaces and far more concrete. A childrens scooter can be a lot more fun to use on the streets, and because of their size they are permitted in places that bikes are not, so kids can take their scooter everywhere they go. Another reason scooters are so popular with kids is that they have a more edgy appeal than bikes, with the relatively new concept of stunt scooters meaning they are starting to appear in the skate parks and in groups of kids who enjoy extreme sports as part of their time off.

Razor is a great brand which incorporates standard scooters as well as slightly more upgraded and futuristic products which can make for quite exciting gifts for children both in and out of the city. Razor scooters are designed to look cool and more adult, with slim decks and sharper wheels designed for getting more speed and manoeuvrability, but are still suitable for smaller children as they come in a range of sizes and styles for all ages and levels of confidence on a scooter. The company also produces ride ons which can be best for very small children who want something a bit more adventurous and exciting than a standard trike to ride around on.

Where Razor think outside the box is in products like their electric scooters, which can be used as a normal scooter, but also have a motor which allows them to be used as a legitimate form of transport as well. For older children and even adults, electric scooters offer them a way to get far more quickly and reliably around, especially in the city. The scooters reach a speed which is not so fast as to be a danger, but quick enough to get them from place to place far quicker than a bike or standard scooter. These scooters are also designed in a range of colours and sizes to suit any child or adult looking for something they can be proud of.

With this range, Razor is bringing a little more competition to the market and creating an exciting range of futuristic forms of transport that is sure to enthrall children and make the company even more successful.